A Client’s Framing of some of my Prints at Yuzawaya, in Tokyo, Japan.

A client recently went to Japan armed with a few of my prints to give as gifts. She took them to the amazing Art & Crafts supply shop; Yuzawaya, in Tokyo, to have the prints framed. I wish I could have been there personally to see the results done by the expert Aoki-san (pictured here) who did this beautiful work! These photos were taken with my client’s phone, so there are the inevitable reflections, etc., but the pictures give a good idea of the high quality, care and attention, and expertise at the framing dept. at Yuzawaya, and of Aoki-san’s excellent work.

I went to this shop many years ago, while visiting Japan with my wife. It is an incredible place; a kind of Artist’s Paradise with everything one could imagine in stock.

The print of the "Seeds of Life in Infinity" (Sacred Geometry within the figure 8, with a Celtic twist) was a symbolic Wedding Gift given to a student friend of my client.

The Chakra Mandalas were gifted to various people, including a Yoga instructor who lives in Tokyo. It is still my intention to continue this project; completing the series of Chakra Mandalas with the next 4 Chakra Mandalas (of 7; the ones being the Heart, Throat, Third Eye & Crown Chakras…). So, there is still a lot of work yet to be done!


Happy Reception of the “Root Chakra Mandala” as a Gift.