"The Alien-Astro-Rider"


Out came another “Alien-inspired” abstract ink drawing this week; “The Alien-Astro-Rider”. This Original Artwork evolved over 5 days. Again I drew on some beautiful paper; Stonehenge Aqua Hotpress (30.43 CM x 40.64 CM, Acid-Free, 100% cotton paper, 300 GSM - 140 LB).

The “Alien” herein seems to port antennae for transmitting cosmic energy, and, I would say, it wheels; traversing the Universe to share its Truth with us! This Alien is regarding us through its eyeball (up in the top left corner of the drawing), sending a message of love and peace to all!

The act of drawing, painting, music making; taming the dominance of left-brain activity – or balancing the brain’s hemispheres, and Art in general, transports one (at least I say that for myself) into that far too neglected Child’s mind; that quality of mind that society, driven by greed, worry, fear, anxiety, politics, mass media and hysteria, financial stress, devastations of war, etc., has largely forgotten about; replaced with “adult concerns”.

Art alone, in my opinion, is the greatest remedy (or least salve) to these societal conflicts; however, ART is in danger in our society. Humans need ART more than ever before… Collectively we also need to remember the “Child’s mind”; the beautiful mind.

Art (and the creation of Artworks) does not necessarily relieve us of those feelings of societal pressures, but ART, at its least and its best, enables the expression of such griefs and worries; joys and sorrows (look no further than to the profoundly emotional, psychological musical outpourings of such genius composers Johann Sebastian Bach, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, or Gustav Mahler, Dmitri Shostakovich, Alban Berg, Krzysztof Penderecki, or the often depressed, troubled, desolate soul of Franz Schubert; look to the sometimes ferocious torrents, and sublimest exaltations exhibited in the music of Ludwig van Beethoven… Look to such Artists, to name but a few others; Michelangelo, Leonardo, or Pablo Picasso who conveyed the gamut of human sentiments; look to the great works of Wassily Kandinsky, or further into the recesses of Art History, to the darkest paintings (filled with light!) of Hieronymus Bosch, or Francisco Goya…).  

Let us admit that we need ART more than ever; that ART alone allows us to experience the deepest of depths; the greatest of Joys and ecstasies, if only we take the initiative to tap into its great, and inexhaustible wealth.


"Star of David Mandala with Celtic Elements" (version II)


Advancing after Digressing… “The Third Eye Chakra Mandala” (Version III)...