"A Microscopic View of the Inner Workings of a Caterpillar Marching Through a Picture Frame".


I worked on this piece, observing its development over a three-week period, and finally finished it on 2 June. I was trying to figure out where the drawing might have been going (these kinds of details and black-filling-in always take time and patience)… Suddenly the title, "A Microscopic View of the Inner Workings of a Caterpillar Marching Through a Picture Frame", popped into my head, seemingly out of nowhere, and would not quit, so it was certainly meant to be! This “caterpillar” is, in reality, an enormously LONG sort of Super Alien Creature marching through several thousand picture frames (and this microscopic view is but an infinitesimal glimpse into the grandeur of this amazing and colossal creature). In any case, it is an amusing idea. I have no idea where this stuff comes from. I had been reading some Victor Hugo, not Science Fiction! ;)


"The Piranha's Pool Palace”


"Crystalized Blossoms"; A Triple Mandala