Digressing… Something about "The Third Eye Chakra Mandala"… (and Celtic Chains).


The color image, above at the top, is my “final” version of “The Third Eye Chakra Mandala”. Below this, in the grid of 3, is the Original drawing at the center. This drawing is the “scaffolding” for the completed versions. To the left of the Original drawing is my '“final” Monochrome version (also in my Gallery and Print Store), and to the right is another color version (now also in the Store!)… The only “problem” with the color version at the right (though I like how it looks) is that it (perhaps) is not necessarily the correct color that corresponds with this Third Eye Chakra (some believe it to be more or less Indigo in color… I suppose this is up for questioning!). So I decided to start over again, realizing my (possible) error, and ended up with my “final” color version (blue/Indigo) at the top; above this grid of 3. I thought it might be interesting to show the various versions here.


As I published a little writing just yesterday about my “Crown Chakra Mandala” I thought I would take a step back, down the ladder of Chakras, and write a little post about the "The Third Eye Chakra Mandala". The Original Artwork, as with “The Crown Chakra Mandala” is a Pen & Ink drawing, on 35.6 CM x 43.2 CM Strathmore Bristol Smooth Surface Heavyweight, Acid-Free 100% cotton paper (270 GSM - 100 LB), completed on 10 November 2022.

The Third Eye Chakra correlates with the Pituitary gland; its quality is to witness and distinguish truth from falsehood. Its Spiritual function is “the seat of the Inner Guru”, “the seat of the soul”, the source of inner guidance, and “the eye of intuition”. (When open) the third eye receives revelations and insights by entering the astral and psychic dimensions of consciousness, and quests for the most reliable source of knowledge and wisdom; the ultimate source of truth.

The Third Eye Chakra’s traditional symbol is a two-petalled lotus, one representing the moon and the other, the sun. Within the lotus, a round circle symbolizes the void (I am not sure if I have achieved these qualities in my Mandalas, but perhaps I am not far off...). Within the center of the inverted triangle, I have again taken the Sanskrit Symbol that corresponds to the Third Eye Chakra.

As with the previous Chakra Mandalas, I mixed this one with a couple of Celtic elements (simply because I am attracted to this); therefore I turned the inverted center Triangle into a Celtic Trefoil, and my Celtic studies also influence the surrounding outer chain. This chain’s challenge (to draw) is with the “break lines” that create alternations above and below in an infinite pattern (if that makes any sense). There are many possibilities and variations using “break lines” to create these chains. Here, below, is a Mandala I created some time ago, in 2021, that demonstrates 5 variations of Celtic Chains in one Mandala (this Mandala, or circle, also has at its center a hexagram of interconnected rings that also form 6 interconnected Celtic Trefoils or triangles). The Celtic Chains are all Hand-Drawn; I filled the spaces with black ink. A steady hand is required for this job!


Advancing after Digressing… “The Third Eye Chakra Mandala” (Version III)...


“The Crown Chakra Mandala”