“The Crown Chakra Mandala”

The color image, above at the top, is my “final” version of “The Crown Chakra Mandala”. Below this (to the left) is a reproduction of my Original Artwork (pen and ink), and to the right of it I have emphasised the center; the Triangle and Sanskrit symbol, by filling it in with black.


The Crown Chakra Mandala is a symbol for the Lotus Flower with a thousand petals, or even an infinite number of petals, and is the seventh principal chakra, and is located at the center of the top of the head. The Crown Chakra (“Sahasrara” in Sanskrit) is associated with Ultimate Consciousness (Cosmos; Cosmic energy); it emanates pure bright white and/or golden light (and is also associated with the color violet or is even considered infinitely multicolored). It is the Chakra of self-transcendence into oneness, the loss of ego-boundaries, and the connection with the infinite source of life, correlated with the Pineal gland which is located behind the third cerebral ventricle in the brain midline (between the two cerebral hemispheres).

There is an abundant wealth of information about the Chakras to explore on the Internet and I have certainly only touched the surface of this vast subject….

On to the creation of this Crown Chakra Mandala: Figuring out the geometry for this drawing was a rather tricky process, and I had to start over 9 times with the drawing (learning along the way from my mistakes!) before finally getting an accurate and satisfying result. If one line (especially at the beginning of the layout) is even a fraction off it naturally affects the entire outcome, as a ship crossing the ocean with an error of less than 1° would end up way off course. This drawing, again, is based on Sacred Geometry (a whole giant subject in itself, perhaps for another blog entry someday…).

This Crown Chakra Mandala completes my project of creating the entire set of 7 Chakra Mandalas shown previously in earlier blogs, and in the Gallery (the 7 chakras in order: I. Root Chakra, II. Sacral Chakra, III. Solar Plexus Chakra, IV. Heart Chakra, V. Throat Chakra, VI. Third Eye Chakra, and VII. the Crown Chakra). I still have another idea of how I may unify all of these Mandalas into one image (integrating them into a single column), but still have to figure out how I want to do that…!

The Original Artwork for this Crown Chakra Mandala is drawn slightly larger than the other Chakra Mandalas as there are over a thousand petals; each drawn by hand (which took some time and a certain amount of patience)!


Digressing… Something about "The Third Eye Chakra Mandala"… (and Celtic Chains).


The Throat Chakra Mandala. A continuation of the Chakra Mandala series…