The Chakra Mandala Series


After a protracted hiatus of nearly two years (distracted with other creative processes!) I decided to again take up my project of creating this series of “Chakra Mandalas”. My intention is to forge the 7 principle Chakras : (I.) Root Chakra (red), (II.) Sacral Chakra (orange), (III.) Solar Plexus Chakra (yellow), (IV.) Heart Chakra (green), then continuing with the Throat Chakra (blue), Third Eye Chakra (indigo), and finally the Crown Chakra (violet) into these Mandala forms, with the added twist of Celtic influences (such as the decorative Celtic chains, Trefoils, etc.).

Each Chakra vibrates at a different frequency; and therefore has its corresponding predominant color.

Over a period of many days, and incessant, intense hours of concentration, I have just completed the Heart Chakra Mandala (the 4th Chakra in the series of 7, appearing above at the left of the series, with the predominant color of green).

All of these Mandalas began life as black pen and ink drawings (well actually, the layouts were first lightly laid out using a mechanical pencil), and all are based on Sacred Geometry (perhaps a subject for a future blog entry!).

The Trefoils in the Heart Chakra; just completed, were especially intricate to draw… Each Trefoil (the triangular figures) is a variation of Celtic Knot. The space for each Trefoil was extremely tight, especially for the more complicated Trefoils, like miniature gems. The outer chain was also perhaps more complicated than the previous Mandalas to draw, with alternating break lines (that can be rather confusing). It is so easy to make mistakes drawing these Celtic Chains! Both the chains and Trefoils should weave infinitely (under and over).

The symbols at the center of each Chakra Mandala is taken from Sanskrit.


The Chakra Mandala Series (II)


“Danse de la fureur, pour les sept trompettes”