Tribute to Geneviève
"7 Seeds of Life Surrounded by Trefoils I"
I recently received sad news about a friend, Geneviève Bergiers, who recently passed away around the end of 2022. I had seen, and had fairly regular contact with her, before the summer of 2022. After returning to life in Brussels after a 5-week visit Stateside, some months slipped by…
I had written to Geneviève on December 13 to send my birthday wishes and discovered that her email was no longer functioning, so I proceeded to check her website and, to my chagrin, found that the website had also disappeared…. I called her number several times, but there was no answer…. Of course, this led me to wonder what might have happened to her…. I searched the Internet… no news… Then, I could only think of one mutual acquaintance who might have known something about her evident disappearance, but he also did not have any news about her whereabouts. He suggested that I contact the American Club in Brussels (she was a member of the Book Club there) and a few days ago I had the response that, instinctually, I thought may be true; that indeed she had passed away. Apparently, she had suffered a heart attack during the summer while I was away in the States, and later, I believe sometime in December (but I am still not sure about this detail either) she “had a fall” and went back into hospital where she passed away…. Though I suspected that this might be the case, the news still came as a shock and filled me with sadness.
She has been on my mind every day over this somewhat protracted period of uncertainty. It is still hard to believe that she has left us. She was such a dynamic and enthusiastic character. Every time I saw her she would ask me “So, what’s the good news?”. I admit I did not always know how to answer this question!
Geneviève was Belgian, had studied in the States, and had received multiple distinctions and diplomas in her field. She was a consummate Master of her profession; a Chiropractor, and she was a genuinely friendly and caring individual. She was also a bit quirky, which is something I liked about her. We became friends many years ago, and she attended several of my concerts.
She acquired my (Original) Artwork above, “7 Seeds of Life with Trefoils I” back in 2020 (a piece based on Sacred Geometry that I had drawn at the beginning of the lockdowns, when I had just become increasingly interested in Sacred Geometry and various Celtic influences).
I have no doubt that her patients and friends will miss her. I miss her. She was a truly original human being, with real character!
RIP Geneviève!
Geneviève also had a print in her collection of my "Yin Yang Mandala with Celtic Traits" (below) that I created in 2021.
I completed a 2nd version (below) of the “7 Seeds of Life Surrounded by Trefoils II" (on 24 September 2021).