"Nine Seeds of Life on a Quilted Geometric Background".


This most recent Artwork; "Seeds of Life on a Quilted Geometric Background", took me a little over a week to complete, over many concentrated hours. It was more work than I had originally imagined! The background is made up of thousands of dots, and there are hundreds more dots in the central Mandala circle. The outside border was also a repetitive and very time-consuming process requiring concentration, patience, and meticulous inking!

I originally laid out a grid of squares (thinking I would create something similar, but different, to my previous Artwork, "The Eclipse", (see my previous blog) and would again go for something “abstractly organized”; however, Sacred Geometry appeared to take over this notion, and again the “Seed of Life” appeared at the center, from which the other seeds developed…. My thought process shifted towards the idea of creating something like a printed Japanese fabric.

Inspired in part by my mom’s wonderfully beautiful and detailed quilting work, I decided on how I would like the background of this Artwork to look (see the studies and comment below).

Admiringly, mom made several truly gorgeous hand-stitched quilts that required many months to complete, and by comparison to this Artwork, certainly required far more patience than I myself possess! The gorgeous quilt that she made for us as a wedding gift; indeed a treasured item, would normally take pride of place in our home were it not for the fact that we have two (adorable!) cats, and I’m sure you all know what disasters adorable cats are cable of havocing! So, for now, until perhaps we find the perfect wall to hang her quilt on, it remains in a safe place, unscathed!


Below: these were a couple of studies I did for the geometric background for this Artwork. Finally, I decided to go with the one on the right; the "right" one. I like the one on the left, but it would have overtaken the subject; it would have been far too "busy", and have thrown all the work out of balance. I think of the dots as the stitches (imagine thousands of needlepoint stitches!).


Tribute to Geneviève


“The Eclipse”