"Life Energy in an Acorn".


I completed the above composition, “Life Energy in an Acorn”, on 8 November 2023.

The idea started with the Fibonacci series… I started with a line in the center of the page, then measured to the right from the center point (the center point being Zero)… I added a dot 1 centimeter from point 0, then another dot one centimeter from that (1 + 1)… continuing in the Fibonacci sequence (in centimeters) 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21… I repeated this process from the left of point zero.

I then used each point as a center to draw small, equal circles. (Eventually, I forgot about Fibonacci and followed my intuition). I decided to scribe the inner circle (or is that the first outer circle?). The process was repeated using greater circumferences on both sides of the line, thus forming perfect symmetry; these outer circles reflect the inner circle, as in layers.

The triangular energy bursts were created with many thousands of dots. This required a certain amount of patience and concentration to establish uniformity, no dot touching another.

The idea of the Acorn popped into my head. The image is like a dissection, allowing a glimpse into the energy patterns within. The Acorn is filled with potential and, conditions permitted, grows into a mighty Oak, the energy emanating from its nucleus like the sun.

“Great things are done by a series of small things brought together”. Vincent Van Gogh


"Variation on an Acorn”


“Memories Orbiting”