“The Eclipse”


“The Eclipse” is a pen and ink Artwork that developed over the course of five days and many intensive hours in which I forgot about all other cares and concerns (this is certainly one of the greatest attributes of creating Artwork or making Music!).

I had a basic idea for this piece in mind, starting with a simple grid layout. Many of the patterns herein were “borrowed” from various earlier Artworks (almost like signatures or fingerprints) that, together, composed something like a collage, only without any glue (or photoshop — just pen and ink).

I was listening to some wonderful symphonic music by Arthur Honegger (1892-1955) while working on this piece.

This drawing reminds me of some Artwork I did early on in Jr. High School (another century; long, long ago…!).

Now I’m reminded of Mr. Wallace, my 7th-grade Art teacher… he was a wonderful man!. He was one of my favorite teachers, and it was unfortunate that I only had him as a teacher for that one year, after which he left our school. After all these years he still enters my mind. I wonder what became of him?

Perhaps this outpouring of lines and ink (especially over these past three years) has something to do with the way my brain is wired; allowing for an intuitive process; escaping “reality”; following an instinct to develop, create, and let the lines and ink flow simply onto the page; the hand to be guided, as in automatic writing. There is thinking (left brain), but also not-thinking (right brain).

The Eye (left corner) is (perhaps) regarding an eclipse; a Clin d'oeil, or an allusion, to the ancient pyramids and transformations is suggested. Two “pyramids” occupy two positions as viewed from above. At the heart is the seed of life (again Sacred Geometry plays a part, though one petal is obscured by a partial eclipse).

Although first laid out as a grid, I see multiple layers, as if looking through multi-dimensions, albeit a two-dimensional piece of paper.


"Nine Seeds of Life on a Quilted Geometric Background".


"Mirrors and Noodles"